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Never Give A Cat A Poodle CutNever Give a Cat a Poodle Cut
is just one of the hilarious and touching stories
Belinda has written ove the years for The Yazoo Herald.

Many of those stories are included in this book, as well as a few yet-to-be published stories. Readers of this book will harken back to a simpler day and time in small-town Mississippi.

There is a strong emphesis on family, friends, and pets that make reading thos book a pure joy.
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Don't Miss 50 Shades...
"50 Shades of Fur" is a poke-in-the-ribs
parody of certain romance novels - animal style.

A delightful, yet somewhat bawdy "tail" about Missy Barkalot,
and her excapades at Doggie Bath. 50 Shades has a
little bit of everything - sexual intrigue, rock-n-roll, and blues
(canine style) and of course, a little weed.
50 Shades Of Fur
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